Welcome to the first in my series of experiments with porridge ingredients! (see my intro post here explaining what’s prompted me to do such a thing).
Today, linseeds (flaxseeds). What are they like in porridge? I don’t normally use linseeds, but they’re something our Ukrainian guest bought and she suggested I try them in my porridge, so here goes. I’m pretty sure I’ve eaten linseeds before in shop-bought seedy bread and have never had a problem with them in that context so I’m not too nervous about this experiment.
I microwaved my oats and water for 3 minutes as usual and then stirred in frozen cherries, blueberries and raspberries along with a good sprinkling of linseeds.
I microwaved again for 2 minutes and then added a small banana.
Conclusion? I’m fine with this as a way of adding some extra nutrients to my diet. I notice the waxy seeds as a slight change in the texture of the porridge – a bit like having a few extra raspberry seeds. They have very little flavour – perhaps they add a very slight savoury/nutty edge but really hardly noticeable. If you’re the sort of person who’s bothered by berry seeds getting stuck in your teeth or who doesn’t like seedy bread, maybe this wouldn’t be for you. But if those things don’t bother you then I think linseeds in your porridge is pretty uncontroversial. Would I do it again? Quite possibly if I had some linseeds around. Probably not every time but as a variation on the norm and for a healthy diet, sure why not?